Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What if you raised the spirits of just one person today? What would change?

Possibly everything.


Photoschmoozer said...

I can answer that one easily. I called my friend to see how she was and she was crying. The situation in her life and in the world depresses her and makes her so sad! She is afraid for the condition of the country. She wishes people could get rid of the anger and hate in so many of their hearts! I talked to her...I made her laugh...we breathed in fresh air and sunshine together and I asked her to go and make two cups of Zen tea (Tazo) for both of us - and she could drink them both!! I told her she could call me anytime (NOT at 3 in the morning though) and I would be a good listener for her. She is alone a lot with her dogs and though they are good companions, it's not quite enough!! Read the story at my blog The photo schmoozer today and you, too, will count your blessings!! Love to the world.

Amy Sperry Faldet said...

This is a hard time for so many. What I wish I could scatter is the joy in knowing that we all are the strongest we have ever been every moment. How do you convince those you love? I don't know. All I can do is show them in the ways I know how, I guess and as Tasha Tudor said, "Take joy take joy." Martie you are an amazing friend, thinker and viewer of the world, I am glad to know you. Blessings.

TiffanyJane said...

Love this picture, so Pretty!
It doesn't take much at all to raise the spirit of a friend, family member or a stranger......from a simple courtesy, smile, listening, or helping solve a problem so easily that was so hard to another. Those are simple blessings that should be shared every day :)
Love your blog!!
Have a Great weekend!